Have you noticed anything new about us? New website, new blog, new classes and more coming soon! I can't wait to tell you all about it!
Classes You asked for them, and here they are! New classes will be offered as often as our schedule permits, starting with Sugar Roses on Tuesday, March 20th at 7:30. In this two-hour, hands-on workshop you will learn how to create beautiful roses using your own two hands! No special or expensive tools required. There is one little tool you'll need, but that, along with all materials will be provided for you. You just bring your apron and a nice big container to take home all the lovely roses you're going to use to decorate your fabulous cakes and cupcakes. Visit www.dolcezzacakes.com/classes to register today. There are only 12 spots available!
Website So what do you think of the new website? It took many months of hard work to put it together and I'd love to hear what you have to say about it. Visit www.dolcezzacakes.com to take a look. I took all your advice into consideration and revamped the galleries, added a contact form (which everyone seems to love!) and added a....
Blog! Yep. I've got a blog. Here's where I share recipes, tutorials and general musings about my sugar-coated life. If you can't wait another second to read it, go to www.dolcezzacakes.com/blog to see what I have to say. Coming up in the next couple days: a cream cheese icing recipe and tutorial. Yummy!
Have a happy cake! -Kristina
Cake of the month The drama of this black, white and red wedding cake is one of my favourites of the season!
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